Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fashion in the fast lane - St. Louis Business Journal:
Tom Sparks, who was vice president of wealth managemenytat U.S. Bank, has joined in Clayton. It’s part of Presidentr Bob Jones’ plan to double Central’s $3 billion in client assets within five Todo that, he estimates the numbe of client accounts must increase at least 50 from the current 2,400. Absolute Tile and Stone of St. Louis has been selecter for a business makeover byFortunse magazine’s Small Business edition. Four expert will analyze how to cut costs with environmental improvements andimprove sales, marketing and inventoryt control. Owner Sander Coovert applied after hearing about it throughthe St. Louix chapter of .
Absolute, a stone, marbler and tile design and installation company, had revenue of $2.2 million in 2008. has increaseds sales from $1.5 million when it was startedx five years agoto $11.5 million in 2008, reports Presidentt Cary Dennis. Recent projects include the $5.7 million Hazelwood Aquatic Facilituy anda $1.5 million outdoor recreation centerd pool in Normal, Ill. It also has been hired as the aquatics contractor for Schlitterbahn Vacatiom Village resort inKansas City, Kan. Marketing and publicv relations veteransJan Carpenter, owne r of the , and Laura owner of , are combininfg their businesses to launch Cork Tree Creative, with a first-year revenuse target of $250,000.
They have worked together on various projects over the past 10 yearsd and side by side for the last year and a half in a sharerd office indowntown Edwardsville. “Who says bankss aren’t lending?” asked Tom Chulick, St. Louis chairmahn of UMB, where loans increased by 24.4 percent, to $4.4 in 2008 over 2007. “We’re going out and calling on and people are comingto us. We’rd lending to people we know in the marketsa in whichwe work.” Adam Benes, a formetr minor league pitcher for the , has joinec in Caseyville, Ill., to help develop clientas and improve marketing and community involvement.
Presideny John Munie said the firm, which provides lawn landscaping and otheroutdoo services, has grown from $45,000 to $2.5 milliojn in annual revenue in its 10 Benes’ brothers, Andy Benew and Alan Benes, pitched in the majorsx for the Cards.

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