Monday, November 29, 2010

Facebook leads social networking space as Twitter growth skyrockets - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
According to the new report, Faceboo users logged 13.9 billion minutesd on the site in making it the most popular social networking site onthe Web. was the seconsd most popular social networking site with abouyt 5 billion minutes spent loggedin April. Twittet logged roughly 300 milliojn minutes, and LinkedIn abour 202 million. According to the Nielsen study, totall minutes spent on social networking sitex has increased 83percent year-over-year. Twitter had far-and-awaty the fastest growth over the pastyear -- with abourt 37-times more minutes spent on the site in Aprilp 2009, compared to April of last year. Faceboom also posted rapid growth, with a seven-fold increasew over last year.
“We have seen some majoer growth in Facebook during thepast year, and a subsequenyt decline in MySpace. Twitter has come on the scene in an explosivr way perhaps changing the outlook for the entire saidJon Gibs, Nielsen vice president, online media and agencgy insights. “The one thing that is clear abour social networking is that regardless of how fast a site is growinvg or how bigit is, it can quicklty fall out of favor with While Facebook has become the top dog in the sociao networking space, MySpace is the leader in onlinde video. With 121 million videk streams, was the No.
1 socialk networking destination when ranked by streams and totalp minutes spentviewing video. MySpace visitors spent 384 milliob minutes viewing video onthe site, with an averagd of 38.8 minutes per In comparison, Facebook visitors spent only 114 millionj minutes viewing video in April, with an averagw of 11.2 minutes per video The Nielsen Co. is a global information and media companhy specializing in consumer television and othermedia

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