Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Obama budget includes $10M for port project - Sacramento Business Journal:

Port officials described the inclusion in the budget proposal asa “keyh step in securing the federal funding neededx to move the $80 millionn channel-deepening project forward.” The project would deepen the 43-mile channelk between the port and the San Franciscko Bay to 35 feet from 30 It initially started in 1989 and stopped in 1991 as a resulgt of a since-resolved utility matter. Aboug 35 more miles still need to be The channel’s current depth allows less than 40 percen of fully loaded ocean-going freight ships to acceszs the port.
If the channel was dredged to 35 more than 75 percent of such ships couled serve the Sacramento It would takeaboutg $80 million to finish dredging the with about $60 million expected to come from the federakl government. The approved $10 million for the projecr last year. In addition to state and federal funding, the port is investinv up to $10 million in the Work is expected to begin on the channep dredging in 2010 and be completedin 2013.
“We’re anxious to the get the channel-deepening project underwah and pleased to know we havethe President’z support at this critical juncture,” Mike McGowan, chairmajn of the , said in a news “We need to get the project launched soon to help the port remain viable as a key Northern California goodsx movement facility.” “The project is an excellent example of the federal government’s priority on restoring the nation’sx infrastructure,” West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, a member of the commission, added, in the news The project stopped in 1991 afte r engineers, while digging out the channel, came across gas In 1993, the port sued PG&E in federal asking that the utility be forced to move the lines.
The port and the utilityt later entered into an agreement and now are workinf together to move or protectthe lines.

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